Bratislava, Ružová dolina 25

Kind FS PtP
Status Active

Station A Station B
Antenna gain
42 dBi 42 dBi
10 dBm 10 dBm
2160 MHz 2160 MHz
Center frequency
62640 MHz 62640 MHz
Signal / interference ratio
4QAM: C/I = 12dB 4QAM: C/I = 12dB
Polarization Dual Dual
Device type nRAYG-60ad nRAYG-60ad
Device manufacturer Mikrotik Mikrotik
Antenna type integrovana nRAY 60G integrovana nRAY 60G
Antenna manufacturer Mikrotik Mikrotik

Station A Station B
GPS 17.14147200° , 48.15226900° 17.13937200° , 48.15322800°
Antenna height 130.0 + 40.0 m 130.0 + 40.0 m
Elevation 0.0° 0.0°

Valid until
May 23, 2025

ID 0028877
Owner 000077
Modified November 23, 2023
Created November 22, 2023

Affected station
The coordination calculator checked for potential conflicts with nearby stations.
Loading data...
0019731FS PtP1098BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0019688FS PtPBratislava, Dolezalova 15, B2DOL There cannot appear any conflict
0019688FS PtPBratislava, Elektrarenska 1, B2GNG There cannot appear any conflict
0019256FS PtPBratislava, Vajnorská 43, B3VAJ There cannot appear any conflict
0015738FS PtPBratislava, Drienova 22, B2TKS There cannot appear any conflict
0019256FS PtPBratislava, Junácka 1, B3MUN There cannot appear any conflict
0018584FS PtP0279BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0018584FS PtP0279BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0018190FS PtPBratislava, Trnavská cesta 82, B2TRC There cannot appear any conflict
0018190FS PtPBratislava, Trnavska cesta 57, B2SWI There cannot appear any conflict
0018155FS PtPBratislava, Vajnorská 10301/108 - komín, B3VJR There cannot appear any conflict
0018155FS PtPBratislava, Vajnorská 127, B3SBS There cannot appear any conflict
0018153FS PtPBratislava, Vajnorská 10301/108 - komín, B3VJR There cannot appear any conflict
0018153FS PtPBratislava, Vajnorská 127, B3TSR There cannot appear any conflict
0017843FS PtPBratislava, Vlčie Hrdlo 82, B2SVP There cannot appear any conflict
0015738FS PtPBratislava, Ružinovská 6, B2RUZ There cannot appear any conflict
0021174FS PtP0012BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
Showing 101 - 117 of 117 items

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