Bratislava, Haydnova 19

Kind WiGig PtMP
Status Active

Antenna gain 16 dBi
Power 10 dBm
EIRP 26 dBm
Bandwidth 2160 MHz
Frequency [MHz] 64800 MHz
Polarization Dual
Device type wAP 60G AP
Device manufacturer Mikrotik
Antenna type integrovana wAP 60G
Antenna manufacturer Mikrotik

Valid until
April 13, 2025

GPS 17.08955300° , 48.15253300°
Direction of radiation 250°
Antenna height 260.0 + 40.0 m

ID 0020447
Owner 000077
Modified October 13, 2023
Created May 13, 2022

Affected station
The coordination calculator checked for potential conflicts with nearby stations.
Loading data...
0008735WiGig PtPBratislava, Haydnova 19There is a conflict between this and new station. You cannot place the new station
0029971FS PtPBratislava, Hrobarska 11, B5701264 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0010925FS PtPBratislava, Ul. 29. augusta 4900/5, B1SME There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0029619FS PtPBratislava, Dunajská 60, B1MCU There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0029561FS PtPBratislava, Panónska cesta 5, BA701224 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0030728FS PtPBA_PST - BA_DM_KAN There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0030728FS PtPBA_PST - BA_DM_KAN There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0029971FS PtPBratislava, Vranovská 2, B5VRA There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0028870WiGig PtMPBratislava, Štúrova 19/1There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0024179WiGig PtMPBratislava, Karloveská 408There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0024077WiGig PtMPBratislava-Petržalka, Viedenská cesta, BA_PROThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0022043FS PtPObchodná 58, 811 06 Bratislava There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0022043FS PtPBratislava, Radlinského 6 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0010925FS PtPBratislava, Radlinského 9, B1RDL There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0024394WiGig PtMPBratislava, Karloveská 408There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0000177FS PtPBratislava, Štefánikova 43 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0000177FS PtPBratislava, Na Kalvárií 12 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0010060FS PtP1279BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0029364FS PtP0006BR_60G_03 There cannot appear any conflict
0027682FS PtP0006BR_60G_02 There cannot appear any conflict
0027688FS PtP1015BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0027688FS PtP1015BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0028060FS PtPBratislava, Úprkova 4, B3701137 There cannot appear any conflict
0028060FS PtPBratislava, Vlárska 7, B3VLR There cannot appear any conflict
0028869WiGig PtMPBratislava, Štúrova 19/1There cannot appear any conflict
0000175FS PtPBratislava, Novosvetská 7458/49 There cannot appear any conflict
0028871WiGig PtMPBratislava, Štúrova 19/1There cannot appear any conflict
0028872WiGig PtMPBratislava, Štúrova 19/1There cannot appear any conflict
0028873WiGig PtMPBratislava, Štúrova 19/1There cannot appear any conflict
0028874WiGig PtMPBratislava, Štúrova 19/1There cannot appear any conflict
0029364FS PtP0006BR_60G_03 There cannot appear any conflict
0029394FS PtP0014BR_60G_02 There cannot appear any conflict
0027680FS PtP0006BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0029394FS PtP0014BR_60G_02 There cannot appear any conflict
0029561FS PtPBratislava, Lenardova 1147/12, B5LEN There cannot appear any conflict
0029619FS PtPBratislava, Námestie SNP 15, B1701231 There cannot appear any conflict
0029855FS PtPBratislava, Michalská 2, B1701013 There cannot appear any conflict
0029855FS PtPBratislava, Michalská 2, B1701013 There cannot appear any conflict
0000175FS PtPBratislava, Na Kalvárií 12 There cannot appear any conflict
0030047FS PtPBratislava, Jurigovo námestie 1, B4701262 There cannot appear any conflict
0030047FS PtPBratislava, Jurigovo namestie 1, B4JUR There cannot appear any conflict
0000173FS PtPBratislava, Pionierska 1591/6 There cannot appear any conflict
0000173FS PtPBratislava, Školská 2866/14 There cannot appear any conflict
0030810FS PtPBratislava, Kuzmányho 3A, B1701330 There cannot appear any conflict
0030810FS PtPBratislava, Radlinského 11, B1RAD There cannot appear any conflict
0000171FS PtPBratislava, Palárikova 13 There cannot appear any conflict
0000171FS PtPBratislava, Školská 2866/14 There cannot appear any conflict
0027682FS PtP0006BR_60G_02 There cannot appear any conflict
0026915FS PtPBratislava, Palarikova 3173/19, B1PLR There cannot appear any conflict
0027680FS PtP0006BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0000183FS PtPBratislava, Michalská 386/12 There cannot appear any conflict
0010792FS PtPBratislava, Palisady 29, B1EIB There cannot appear any conflict
0010792FS PtPBratislava, Palisady 14, B1SUL There cannot appear any conflict
0009060FS PtPBratislava, Lovinského 33C There cannot appear any conflict
0009060FS PtPBratislava, Limbová 14 There cannot appear any conflict
0013645WiGig PtMPBratislava, Riznerova 2There cannot appear any conflict
0015537FS PtPBratislava, Limbova 1, B3NUD There cannot appear any conflict
0015537FS PtPBratislava, Vlarska 7, B3VLR There cannot appear any conflict
0016428FS PtPBratislava, Údernícka 2712/24, B5SIP There cannot appear any conflict
0016428FS PtPBratislava, Údernícka 2712/24, B5SIP There cannot appear any conflict
0018237WiGig PtMPBratislava, Limbová 14There cannot appear any conflict
0019737FS PtP0009BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0019737FS PtP0009BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0020197WiGig PtMPBratislava, Radlinského 6There cannot appear any conflict
0000183FS PtPBratislava, Nám. SNP 481 There cannot appear any conflict
0010060FS PtP1279BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0022112FS PtPBratislava, Staromestská 3, B1CMS There cannot appear any conflict
0022112FS PtPBratislava, Konventná 8, B1KON There cannot appear any conflict
0022987FS PtP0014BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0022987FS PtP0014BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0023229FS PtPBratislava, Karloveska 2, BASVP There cannot appear any conflict
0023229FS PtPBratislava, Jurigovo namestie 1, B4JUR There cannot appear any conflict
0000167FS PtPBratislava, Západný rad 31 There cannot appear any conflict
0024502WiGig PtMPBratislava, Karloveská 408There cannot appear any conflict
0025039FS PtPBratislava, Javorová 13, B3ARI There cannot appear any conflict
0025039FS PtPBratislava, Vlarska 7, B3VLR There cannot appear any conflict
0025225FS PtP0192BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0025225FS PtP0192BR_60G_01 There cannot appear any conflict
0026915FS PtPBratislava, Žabotova 3212/12, B1701071 There cannot appear any conflict
0000167FS PtPBratislava, Pri Suchom mlyne 12 There cannot appear any conflict
Showing 1 - 80 of 80 items

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