Bratislava, Donská 64

Kind WiGig PtMP
Status Active

Antenna gain 16 dBi
Power 10 dBm
EIRP 26 dBm
Bandwidth 2160 MHz
Frequency [MHz] 58320 MHz
Polarization Dual
Device type wAP 60G AP
Device manufacturer Mikrotik
Antenna type integrovana wAP 60G
Antenna manufacturer Mikrotik

Valid until
April 12, 2025

GPS 17.04846100° , 48.22677500°
Direction of radiation 341°
Antenna height 210.0 + 40.0 m

ID 0020322
Owner 000077
Modified October 12, 2023
Created May 12, 2022

Affected station
The coordination calculator checked for potential conflicts with nearby stations.
Loading data...
0016611FS PtPBratislava, Heyrovského 6 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0016048FS PtPBratislava, Furmanská, B4FRM There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0016611FS PtPHodonínska , 841 03 Bratislava There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0028938WiGig PtMPBratislava, Kučovanická 2676There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0026651FS PtP1304BR_60G_01 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0026651FS PtP1304BR_60G_01 There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0024395WiGig PtMPBratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Svätého Pia X. 139There cannot appear any conflict
0028943WiGig PtMPBratislava, Kučovanická 2676There cannot appear any conflict
0028942WiGig PtMPBratislava, Kučovanická 2676There cannot appear any conflict
0028941WiGig PtMPBratislava, Kučovanická 2676There cannot appear any conflict
0028940WiGig PtMPBratislava, Kučovanická 2676There cannot appear any conflict
0028939WiGig PtMPBratislava, Kučovanická 2676There cannot appear any conflict
0028614WiGig PtMPBratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Svätého Pia X. 139There cannot appear any conflict
0028392WiGig PtMPBratislava, Námestie Rodiny 1There cannot appear any conflict
0025022WiGig PtMPBratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Svätého Pia X. 139There cannot appear any conflict
0024396WiGig PtMPBratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Svätého Pia X. 139There cannot appear any conflict
0008370WiGig PtMPMarianka, Agátová 79There cannot appear any conflict
0008813WiGig PtPBratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Svätého Pia X. 139There cannot appear any conflict
0021079WiGig PtMPBratislava,There cannot appear any conflict
0020449WiGig PtMPBratislava,There cannot appear any conflict
0020129FS PtPMarianka, Športová There cannot appear any conflict
0020129FS PtPMarianka, Záhradná 376/4 There cannot appear any conflict
0018764FS PtPMarianka, Školská 32 There cannot appear any conflict
0018764FS PtPMarianka, Športová There cannot appear any conflict
0018763WiGig PtMPBratislava, Gbelská 7448/23There cannot appear any conflict
0017378WiGig PtMPBratislava, Gbelská 7448/23There cannot appear any conflict
0016048FS PtPBratislava , Petra Lengera, B4XLT There cannot appear any conflict
0009054FS PtPBratislava, Gbelská 7448/23 There cannot appear any conflict
0009054FS PtPBratislava, Československých tankistov 1 There cannot appear any conflict
0009031WiGig PtMPNámestie 4. apríla 16, 900 33 MariankaThere cannot appear any conflict
0009030WiGig PtPMarianka, Školská 32There cannot appear any conflict
0022769WiGig PtMPBratislava,There cannot appear any conflict
Showing 1 - 32 of 32 items

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